Previously only announced for PlayStation 5.

Gran Turismo 7 will launch for PlayStation 4 in addition to its previously announced PlayStation 5 version, PlayStation Studios head Hermen Hulst said in a newly published PlayStation Blog interview.
“Where it makes sense to develop a title for both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5—for Horizon Forbidden West, the next God of War, Gran Turismo 7—we’ll continue looking at that,” Hulst said. “And if PlayStation 4 owners want to play that game, then they can. If they want to go on and play the PlayStation 5 version, that game will be there for them.”
Gran Turismo 7 is coming in 2022.
Is sad that all the heavy PS5 hitters are now coming to PS4 also. Its understandable business wise, but its will be a while till we see true next Gen game built from the groundup for PS5. what do you think? Leave you comments below