What was shown during the digital showcase?

The showcase above runs for approximately 40-minutes. However, you can watch the individual trailers for each of the games featured right here.
Life is Strange: True Colors
Perhaps the biggest announcement was the debut of the new chapter in the Life is Strange series.
Scheduled for release on 10 September 2021, the game will be available in one package – no staggered release of individual chapters this time. You can still jump into different episodes, but they will all be part of the same release.
It was also revealed that Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm will be available in remastered form around the same time.
Formerly known as Project Athia, Forspoken looks to be a big, triple-A action-adventure. We got a tease during the presentation but expect more to be revealed on this 2022 release later this year.
Outriders will be out soon – 1 April – so it won’t be long for you to wait to play it. Indeed, you can even download and try the demo right now.
Two trailers were released as part of the event, but we’ve opted to include the 101 trailer as it details the character classes and their unique powers – a main part of the game’s allure.
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy
You can now buy the entire Tomb Raider reboot trilogy and all of the DLC in one bundle. What’s more, it’s currently available on the PlayStation and Xbox stores with a huge discount.
Just Cause: Mobile
The Just Cause franchise is coming to mobile later this year. It will be free-to-play for iOS and Android, and offer single and multi-player experiences.
Hitman Sniper Assassins
Hitman also makes it way to mobile, in the tentatively named Hitman Sniper Assassins. It’s coming later this year, but not much is known about it yet.
Space Invaders AR
We’ve had Pokemon Go, Minecraft Earth, and several other big augmented reality games, why not Space Invaders? To be honest, we don’t really know what to expect either.
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends
Touhou Spell Bubble and Darius Cozmic Revelation – Bubble Bobble 4 Friends brings back one of our favourite retro arcade classics with updated gameplay. It’s available now for PS4 and Nintendo Switch, and coming to Steam for PC soon.
Marvel’s Avengers
The next-gen update for Marvel’s Avengers is now available as a free download for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S owners of the original game. Hawkeye joins the fun, while Black Panther and his Wakanda homeland will be added in the new DLC soon.
Balan Wonderland
Balan Wonderworld is an upcoming 2021 platform game co-developed by Arzest and Square Enix subsidiary Balan Company, This wacky platformer from the creator of Sonic the Hedgehog will be out on 26 March.
What do you think? And what announced games are you excited for? Leave your comments below and as always stay safe.