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The New Diablo IV open beta test is scheduled for March 24–26.

Diablo IV early access is available to users who pre-order the game from March 17 to 19 Fr

Diablo IV early access is available to users who pre-order the game from March 17 to 19

From March 24 to 26, all platforms will be available for an open beta test of Diablo IV, according to Blizzard Entertainment. Those who pre-order the game will have early access to the open beta test from March 17 to March 19.

From their website;

Gather around, wanderer. Your desire to combat Lilith’s legions in Diablo IV can be played out during our Open Beta and Early Access weekends—available on Windows PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4. Those who have pre-purchased Diablo IV will receive Early Access to the Open Beta from March 17–19. On the following weekend, the Open Beta will be available to everyone from March 24–26.

Diablo IV

During both the Open Beta and Early Access weekends, players will be able to intimately explore the early game of Diablo IV. This includes a first taste of the campaign via the Prologue and the entirety of Act 1. The first zone, Fractured Peaks, is yours to navigate as you please—stampede through the rugged landscape and cut down demons.

For the Open Beta and Early Access weekends, your character can only level up to Level 25, but you’re welcome to continue ripping through demons until the Open Beta ends. Make your mark on Sanctuary by clearing hellish hordes from dungeons, completing intriguing quests provided by the locals, and amassing powerful loot from fallen foes.

Simply put, this is your opportunity to combat the might of the Burning Hells prior to our June 6 release. With that said, the experience is not finalized and you may encounter performance issues, outages, and come across things that simply don’t work. After the Open Beta concludes, we’ll evaluate all feedback we’ve received and will make changes as needed. We look forward to you experiencing this small taste of what Diablo IV has to offer.

If you have not already pre-purchased a copy of Diablo IV for your platform of choice and want to get Early Access to the Open Beta, visit here.

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Do you have a Beta Early Access code** for Diablo IV? It’s time to redeem it! If you pre-purchased the game digitally, Early Access to the Open Beta will be automatically available on the platform you pre-purchased for—no further action is required of you. But for those with an Early Access code, instructions are listed below. More information on how to download the Beta will be available as the Beta draws near.

Redemption Instructions

  • Go to diablo.com/beta and log in or create your Battle.net account.
  • Enter your code and select your gaming platform and region (if applicable) from the drop-down menu.
  • Be sure to check your selections before clicking the Redeem button.
  • success page will confirm that your code was valid and claimed to the account.
  • For PC players, your account will be flagged for access right away.
  • For console players, a platform-specific code to download the Beta will be emailed to the address associated with your Battle.net account closer to the start of Early Access.

Are you looking forward to playing the beta? Have you played any of the Diablo games? Let us know below;

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