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Diablo III: A Devilish Bundle Coming Up!

From the people that brought us Starcraft in all its glory, Blizzard Entertainment, comes

From the people that brought us Starcraft in all its glory, Blizzard Entertainment, comes the critically acclaimed action role-playing game Diablo III: Eternal Collection for the Nintendo Switch! And it won’t be coming alone!

In an announcement by Blizzard Ent., the Eternal Collection for the Nintendo Switch is the definitive version of the game. In ‘gaming mathematics’, this means we will be getting the full classic Diablo III game along with the expansions released for the game so far: the Rise of the Necromancer and Reaper of Souls expansions. Additionally, fans who purchase and play the Nintendo Switch version of the game will receive extra content, in the form of a myriad of items from the Legend of Zelda series, all of which are exclusive to the Switch version!

And the icing on top of this devilish goodness, Nintendo is releasing a Switch bundle, coming with a Switch console and dock (all decked out in Diablo III: Eternal artwork), a download code for the game and a cool looking Diablo III carrying case!

All this goodness is set to be unleashed on November 2, 2018

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