Pokemon GO Lunar New year celebration has Darumaka and more pokemon coming in

The Lunar New Year will be here in only one week, and Niantic has already prepared an extensive celebration on Pokémon Go. Trainers will be able to enjoy everything, from discovering unique Pokémon in the wild and through eggs to taking part in themed events and challenges.
Lunar New Year 2023 will take place from January 19 through January 23 until 8:00 p.m. local time/1:00 am Saturday, in Ghana. Darumaka, Flareon, Ponyta, Magmar, Slugma, Magikarp, Numel, and other Pokémon will be readily available in the wild at a high rate. A Shiny Darumaka is also significantly more likely to be found by players than usual.
During the event, a branching Timed Research dubbed Lucky Wishes will become online, giving trainers the challenge of selecting options to determine their rewards pathway. Bonuses can include hatching eggs, a longer duration for the Daily Adventure Incense, or extra Stardust depending on the objectives they have.
No matter what is chosen, everyone will receive a Lucky Egg in addition to encounters with Combusken, Bunnelby, and Azumarill, among other Pokémon. Other Fire-type Pokémon like Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Tepig, and Fennekin will be abundant in Field Research jobs.

Darumaka and its Shiny variations will also be present in all of the reward encounters because they are the highlight of the Lunar Year. The opportunity to receive 2x Stardust for opening gifts, enhance your chances of making Lucky Friends, and discover Lucky Pokémon in trades all make the festival a fantastic time to give. A very unique exchange will also be permitted, while we’re on the subject.
The Pokemon GO Twinkling Fantasy event is almost over, so finish all challenges as soon as you can!
The item shop will also sell themed products that can be purchased, such as the Red Lantern Backpack. There is still time to get these avatar products because they will be accessible both during and after the event.
You can read more on the Pokemon Go website.
Find out about the new Avatar game coming out too here